Monday, March 30, 2009

Cow Farm Field Trip

Drew's preschool class went to a local Cow farm!
we saw cow's
if you look closely,
you can see this cow is getting a
rump massage!

I was the funniest thing to see cows waiting in line to
have there rump massaged! me next!

This farm sends there milk to Hershey(to make chocolate),
Just wanted to let you know,
Happy Cows live here too! not just in CA.

Friday, March 27, 2009

5th Birthday

Audrey got to come to school for most of it
drew was so proud to have his sister there on
is birthday!

when it's your birthday,
you get to put candles in the wooden cake
and are sung too!

special request of lunch
at Mc Donald's
with Elijah from school!

Impromptu birthday party at the park...

with a massive crocodile cake!
and some of our friends...

Bff's thomas and drew

Sean and Issac






Swim lessons
@ a local highschool
two weeks every night!
tonight: safety night
two skinned knees happened right before leaving
the park.

Oh, opening presents!

Order up,
drew ordered home cooked shrimp on the

to top off this wonderful day
drew and audrey watched
Star Wars...
all weekend...