This week was the last week of swim lessons at the Carlisle pool, but fret not! i signed drew up for "Y" lessons for more, he surpassed almost everyone in his class, definitely surprised me and is ready to learn more. The teacher would tell the class to do one thing, then lean over and tell me and drew to keep working on the arm strokes! This week we went to a ward baseball game to celebrate Pioneer Day! We had root beer floats, what better way to say "a Mormon summer night" . I'd let you hear more about our week but I'd rather say it in pictures, so enjoy!

Drew swimming, he now swims with out floaties!

Our friend Reese, Audrey and drew, after an afternoon of swimming,
we are going to miss Reesie Piecey!

Audrey (refusing to look at the camera) and Drew at Chocolate world
we went for a quick ride after hitting the shops

a night of eating watermelon!

Dinner at the bird (not the blue one!) with drew's best friend tommy! then off to the library to pet snakes and see bugs.

drew petting a snake! :)

Audrey is learning the art of dress up!

Audrey is falling asleep in some funny places

Drew is so cool! in dad's sunglasses!
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