Monday, December 1, 2008

writing for a new boss

Bri now writes for a new boss.

And I still pray to mine.

Stetler and Gribbin
is now
Goldfein and Joesph
Attorneys at Law

Audrey is writing for a new boss too!
ONE who uses paper!...I hope!


Leisha said...

Ellie - YOU and BRIAN have adorable children!!!! Your mom gave me your blog address and I have been enjoying the photos! If you have e-mail - please write me -@
I miss and love you! I hope all is well :)

Lanna said...

I burst out laughing when I saw that picture of Audrey. I hope Maeryn doens't see it because she adores Audrey and has been asking for her all week! I'd have to have a repeat of that photo in my house (even though she is a doll). :)