Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas time with cousins

drew and emmett

two fj's and a jeep what more could a boy want!

audrey camelle and dasie

watching "tinker bell"

Audrey Sibley and Sophia

I've always wanted to take a picture
of a little white chapel. this one is perfect!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Seeing Friends

Malea, Ellie, Karla, Marcia

Vanessa, Ellie, and Marcia

Kye, Audrey, and Drew
This is Kye, my friend Marcia's little boy, isn't he a adorable!

We went down to DC for a friends wedding reception
we got there late...long story.

I didn't even get a picture of the bride...sorry Manie
But I did get to see some old friends
It was so great to see you guys!

We were at the same building
Brian and I had our reception at 8 years ago!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mechanicsburg Train Museum at Christmas Time

audrey and drew with a bellsnickel

she's guilty, she touched it!

watching a Lionel polar express train

there's a hershey train car!

we toured the train conductors house

the old train station

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Pageant

drew and his best friend thomas are rams!

three of the four girls bri and i teach
kari, chole, and bruklyn
"just a bunch of angles!;)"

gretta, thomas, drew, ethan and nik

Monday, December 1, 2008

writing for a new boss

Bri now writes for a new boss.

And I still pray to mine.

Stetler and Gribbin
is now
Goldfein and Joesph
Attorneys at Law

Audrey is writing for a new boss too!
ONE who uses paper!...I hope!